quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2011

Acerca da "geração à rasca"...

...já Thomas Sowell escrevia, em 1995, o seguinte:
Formal education, especially among peoples for whom it is rare or recent, often creates feelings of entitlement to rewards and exemption from many kinds of work. In India, for example, even the rudiments of an education have often been enough to create a reluctance to take any job involving work with one's hands. In the 1960s it was estimated that there were more than a million "educated unemployed" in India, who demonstrated a "remarkable ability to sustain themselves even without gainful work, largely by relying on family assistance and support." Nor is this social phenomenon limited to India. Other Third World nations have shown similar patterns.

Such attitudes affect both the employed and the unemployed. Even those educated as engineers have often preferred desk jobs and tended to "recoil from the prospect of physical contact with machines." In short, education can reduce an individual's productivity by the expectations and aversions is creates, as well as increase it by the skills and disciplines it may (or may not) engender. The specific kind of education, the nature of the individual who receives it, and the cultural values of the society itself all determine whether, or to what extent, there are net benefits from more schooling. Blindly processing more people through schools may not promote economic development, and may well increase political instability. A society can be made ungovernable by the impossibility of satisfying those with a passionate sense of entitlement - and without the skills or diligence to create the national wealth from which to redeem those expectations...

Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, Basic Books, 1995

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