quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2005

Re: Economistas austríacos

... um sinal que a velha escola começa a atrair uma faixa mais alargada de economistas.

Gostei desta: "...Rose finds that there is startlingly little evidence that the WTO has done anything to enhance trade."

e desta (a prova que existe ordem legal na ausencia de monopolio de lei - o ambiente do comercio internacional):

"...in the international arena, emerged private arbitration, private international commercial law, and customs for dealing with disreputable traders. These spontaneously emerged private institutions are ultimately responsible for the boom in international trade--not government."

Many economists I've discussed this with are surprised that state enforcement is so unimportant for trade. But for those familiar with the Menger-Mises-Hayek line of reasoning, there is nothing particularly unusual about this finding at all. In fact, for some, like Murray Rothbard, who emphasized the superiority of private enforcement to public enforcement, this is precisely what we should expect."

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