USD Index a fazer mínimos históricos
U.S. bank runs are possible, as the brief panic over Countrywide suggested. But even if one happens, U.S. depositors shouldn't fret too much about losing their shirts.
Not only are most investors' deposits guaranteed by the government, the Fed is obligated to bail out a bank if its failure would be detrimental to the economy, Benston said. "If it were Citi, Chase, Bank of America — they'd step in."
And as the late economist Murray Rothbard wrote in a 1985 article for the publication "The Free Market" during the savings and loan panic: "Everyone knows that, in the case of a bank run, the U.S. Treasury would simply order the Fed to print enough cash to bail out any depositors who want it. The Fed has the unlimited power to print dollars, and it is this unlimited power to inflate that stands behind the current fractional reserve banking system."
Notar a evolução desde Maio, onde o índice se situava nos 35 bp.
Um dos melhores e interessantes oradores (e com melhor produção) da nova geração lá das bandas do Mises Institue (a par de Thomas Woods e Edward Stringham).
Foi lançado no dia 04 de Setembro o Economic Freedom of the World 2007, o relatório sobre liberdade económica no mundo publicado anualmente pelo Fraser Institute.
Nesta edição, cujos dados são relativos a 2005, Portugal sofre uma forte queda, da 19ª para a 38ª posição.
Kuehnelt-Leddihn argues that young Ludwig was influenced by Polish political thought and political institutions, which cherished an aristocratic ideal of republican liberty:
Movements for liberty, as a matter of fact, have typically
been carried on by the nobility, which always
opposed centralizing pressure and control. We saw
this in England with the Magna Carta, in Hungary
with the Golden Bull, in Aragon by the stubborn
Grandes, and in France by the Fronde. In this respect,
Poland went further; it became an elective monarchy
in 1572 and called itself a republic. One of the slogans
of this very independent nobility was: “Menace the
foreign kings and resist your own!” Political power
rested with the nobility, which (before the partitions)
had no titles, and its claimants comprised a fifth of the
population. . . . It was a nobility without legal distinctions
and a proverb said: “The nobleman in his farmhouse
is equal to the magnate in his castle.” And since
all noblemen were equals, they could not be ruled by
majorities. In the parliament, the Sejm, the opposition
of a single man—the Liberum Veto—annulled any
legal proposition.6
"MISES - The Last Knight of Liberalism" JÖRG GUIDO HÜLSMANN
2. "Democracy": Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, John Adams, Madison, and Monroe feared democracy.(...)[ …] as an American I am of course fundamentally opposed to democracy and to anyone advocating or defending democracy, which in theory and practice is the basis of socialism.
It is precisely democracy which is destroying the American political structure, American law, and the American economy, as Madison said it would, and as Macauley prophesied that it would do in fact in the 20th century.[2]
Educated men, they had studied the many attempts to establish democracy. The results were known twenty-five hundred years ago in Greece. Democracy does not work. It can not work, because every man is free. He cannot transfer his inalienable life and liberty to anyone or anything outside himself. When he tries to do this, he tries to obey an Authority that does not exist. (...)
Anyone in a free group can decide to give up his own idea and go along with the majority. If he does not want to do this, he can get out of the group. This is a use of freedom, an exercise of self-controlling responsibility.
But when a large number of individuals falsely believe that the majority is an Authority that has a right to control individuals, they must let a majority choose one man (or a few men) to act as Government. They will believe that the majority has transferred to those men the Majority-Right to control all individuals living under that Government. But Government is not a controlling Authority; Government is a use of force, it is the police, the army; it cannot control anyone, it can only hinder, restrict, or stop anyone's use of his energy.
As Madison says, some common passion or interest will sway a majority. And because a majority supports the ruler whom a majority chooses, nothing checks his use of force against the minority. So the ruler of a democracy quickly becomes a tyrant. And that is the swift and violent death of the democracy.(...)"
1. Economia Contratual
Rendimento = Despesa
Salários + Juros = C(onsumo) + I(nvestimento)
Nota: Juro em sentido lato, ou seja, todos os rendimentos de capital
2. Economia Não Contratual: Estado
Rendimento_Estado = Impostos
Despesa_Estado = Salários (fp) + Reformas (fp e priv)+ ODE
fp = funcionários públicos
priv = privados
ODE = Outras Despesas do Estado
“Não Contratual”: todas as relações pecuniárias (e outras) não baseadas no Direito Civil
3. Economia Mista
Salários + Juros + Impostos = C + I + Salários (fp) + Reformas (fp e priv)+ ODE
Não é de admirar que em todos os Estados, incluindo as democracias-“liberais”, assistam à subida do peso da Economia Não Contratual. Que é como quem diz, à diminuição do Direito Civil nas sociedades.
O Orçamento do Estado é aprovado (indirectamente) por cidadãos das duas Economias.
Acresce que os próprios Representantes (todo o sistema político) tende a fazer parte da Economia Não Contratual.
O conflito de interesses é óbvio. Parece fazer sentido que:
1. Nas eleições para o Parlamento Nacional, os funcionários públicos e reformados teriam o seu voto suspenso (manter-se-ia os restantes). Sim, incluiria toda a classe política eleita.
2. Os funcionários municipais teriam o seu voto suspenso nas Eleições Locais.
3. Existem mais conflitos de interesse potenciais? SIM. Nos casos mais claros de grandes ajudas financeiras ou protecções legislativas, faria sentido restringir o voto para o parlamento nacionalo e/ou eleições locais a todos que dele mais directamente beneficiem.