Kuehnelt-Leddihn argues that young Ludwig was influenced by Polish political thought and political institutions, which cherished an aristocratic ideal of republican liberty:
Movements for liberty, as a matter of fact, have typically
been carried on by the nobility, which always
opposed centralizing pressure and control. We saw
this in England with the Magna Carta, in Hungary
with the Golden Bull, in Aragon by the stubborn
Grandes, and in France by the Fronde. In this respect,
Poland went further; it became an elective monarchy
in 1572 and called itself a republic. One of the slogans
of this very independent nobility was: “Menace the
foreign kings and resist your own!” Political power
rested with the nobility, which (before the partitions)
had no titles, and its claimants comprised a fifth of the
population. . . . It was a nobility without legal distinctions
and a proverb said: “The nobleman in his farmhouse
is equal to the magnate in his castle.” And since
all noblemen were equals, they could not be ruled by
majorities. In the parliament, the Sejm, the opposition
of a single man—the Liberum Veto—annulled any
legal proposition.6
"MISES - The Last Knight of Liberalism" JÖRG GUIDO HÜLSMANN
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