segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2006

"Something has gone wrong"

"Something has gone wrong: the right wing has been captured and transformed by elitists and devotees of the European conservative ideals of order and militarism, by witch hunters and global crusaders, by statists who wish to coerce "morality" and suppress "sedition."

America was born in a revolution against Western imperialism, born as a haven of freedom against the tyrannies and despotism, the wars and intrigues of the old world. Yet we have allowed ourselves to sacrifice the American ideals of peace and freedom and anti-colonialism on the altar of a crusade to kill communists throughout the world; we have surrendered our libertarian birthright into the hands of those who yearn to restore the Golden Age of the Holy Inquisition. It is about time that we wake up and rise up to restore our heritage." Rothbard, 1968

PS: Substituir "comunismo" por "terrorismo"e inquisição por coligação neo-cons-neo-left do extremismo-ao-centro-da-social-democracia-em-massa-do-militarismo--humanitário. (detectam WMD a serem contruidas em 10m anos, extremismo islâmico , saddamitas, nacionalistas sérvios, anti-semitas, fumadores, maus pagadores de impostos, pacifistas, idiossincracias-locais-várias, tribalismo anarquista. Contra os quais lançam o estatismo globalista - sanções, bloqueio, capacetes azuis, bombardeamentos selectivos, financiamento exógeno de revoluções endógenas ás cores, "freedom fighters", e apoios em massa de reeducação e new-deals de infraestruturas, e eleições que só funcionam sob ocupação).

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