quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2006

Filmes "Anti-War "

* Sobre Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (já aqui comentado anteriormento por LAS)

"This program of demonization pushed any inconvenient facts from the popular consciousness (and, of course, made the fire-bombing of German cities a bit more palatable). Thus today few Americans know of the nearly successful July 20 Plot of 1944 by Colonel Stauffenberg and other German officers to assassinate Hitler. Still fewer know of German student and youth opposition to the war and the Nazi regime.

In The German Opposition to Hitler, Hans Rothfels reports that a Gestapo officer testified in 1939 that over 2,000 boys and girls were organized into opposition to the Third Reich. Rothfels also notes that the concentration camp at Neuweid was reserved exclusively for teenage boys.

There was even a campus riot of sorts on January 13, 1943. In a speech to university students in Munich, the Gauleiter of Bavaria took female students to task for wasting their time in the classroom when they should be performing their duty to bring forth sons for the Fatherland.(...)

The new film, Sophie Scholl: The Final Days, Germany’s 2005 Oscar nominee for best foreign language film, recounts this fateful event and the interrogation, trial and executions that followed within 72 hours. (...)

When the police inspector tells her, “The law protects order,” Sophie replies, “People are imprisoned for speaking freely. Is that order?”(...)

In her is an abiding sense of a higher justice and loyalty to country above government. In the clutches of the Gestapo and isolated from her companions, she does not waver from principle nor retreat from what a patriot of another land called “the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.”

One of her leaflets had promised, “We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience. The White Rose will not leave you in peace!” Even in the face of death, Sophie keeps her word. When the Goebbels-like presiding judge pronounces her sentence, Sophie calmly answers, “You'll soon be standing where I am now.”

Yet the most unsettling scene in Sophie Scholl is not the interrogation or the show trial or the execution by guillotine. No, the most disturbing moment comes when Sophie is read her indictment.

Her distribution of mimeographed pamphlets, says the prosecutor, is an act of “troop demoralization and aiding the enemy.” It is a “crime against our hard-fighting troops.”

That is when this film should hit home with American audiences. Or at least with those who are not mere puppets." The German Anti-War Movement, 1943 by David Rosinger

PS. o último acto simbólico por parte de alguma coisa a que possa chamar Prússia (experimentem encontrar uma única referência à Prússia em mapas, nomes de vilas, etc - "cultural cleasing"?) foi a tentativa de assassinato e golpe de Estado pelos restos da elite militar (e aristocratica) da Prússia, os quais foram literalmente ignorados pelos "aliados" (Roosevelt e companhia) e deixados à sua sorte. Roosevelt estava mais interessado em garantir que Estaline participasse e aprovasse a sua ONU.

* Ontem à noite vi mais uma vez, na TV Memória, a "Leste do Paraíso", de longe o melhor em que participou James Dean, um filme simples sobre os complexos dramas humanos, incluindo os efeitos da primeira das guerras modernas ideológicas no séc.20 (a primeira foi Napoleão a segunda a de Lincoln) , isto é, assim se tornou quando Woodrow Wilson, o Progressista se lembra de entrar ela para fazer o "mundo mais seguro para a democracia" e "acabar com todas as guerras". Resultado: as monarquias (incluindo as com voto universal como a Alemã) caiem com a sua civilizada ordem (e Liberalismo Clássico), ganhando o comunismo, fascismo e nazismo e uma Segunda Guerra que estabelece o comunismo em metade do globo por 50 anos.

O melhor do filme é retarar um alemão nessa pacata vila a ser tratado como "inimigo" pelos seus antigos amigos pelos efeitos da propaganda "aliada", como o foi os relatos da máquina de propaganda (admirada, citada e usada como modelo mais tarde pelo nazismo) de alemães a chacinar bébés na Bélgica e violaçoes em massa (mais tarde no Golfo I fizeram exactamente o mesmo com o relato absurdo de chacina numa maternidade por parte dos Iraquianos) e outros coisas que tais.

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