...Archduke of Austria and head of the House of Habsburg, which ruled varying parts of Christendom for several centuries.
Em entevista no Lewrockwell.com
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Q: What are the Archduke’s memories of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn?
A: (...) I knew Kuehnelt-Leddihn from the beginning to his death. I saw him a few weeks before his death in Tyrol. ...He was certainly a brilliant brain, a person of a tremendous knowledge, and of great courage, because he was taking some chances with his sometimes very precise points of view.
Q: What is it that gives pervasive government today compared to the pre-1914 order?
A: I am speaking of Central Europe especially. Before it was more decentralized. The municipalities had more power than they have now. The single communities were more influential. The power could not reach into every house, contrary to the fact of today’s life. The system in Austria and Hungary before 1914 was preferable because of this situation of limited power.
Q: Would the Blessed Emperor Karl’s federalization have been contrary to Emperor Franz Josef’s concept of protecting his peoples from their governments?
A: No, on the contrary. They would have been complementary. (...) A: It is logical for a Habsburg to be in politics. After all the family has been in politics for 600 years, and it would be strange if they stayed out of it with all the heritage they have.
Agora muito importante para quem quer perceber o que se passou na Primeira Guerra Mundial (e a idiotice de todas as partes mas especialmente de Woodrow Wilson que levou à queda do Czar, a tomada do poder por Lenine, do Kaiser na Alemanha subtituido por uma república frágil ... e a pior de todas, a destruição do Império Austro-Hungaro - o garante de equilibrio, e no meio disso tudo o construtivismo de estados e novas fronteiras):
Q: How is the declaration of November 11, 1918 on renunciation of power to be interpreted?
A: The winning powers, very much at the initiative of Great Britain, had declared that they would not negotiate the lifting of the food blockade for the population of Austria and Hungary while the Emperor, my father, was there. What can you do?
Q: Could the old European order have survived if events had turned differently in the years 1914-1918?
A: Yes. There were my father’s proposals and the proposals of Pope Benedict XV for peace negotiations. My uncle, Prince Sixtus de Bourbon of France and – less discussed – General Smuts of South Africa on the other side must also be mentioned. If this had been successful, there would have been a solution which would have meant peace even at that time. But they didn’t want to.
Q: There are some people who connect Nazism with old order monarchy. How can this be?
A: Well, that is absurd in a land of absurdity, because really Nazism was not all that. Nazism was a consequence of the Peace Treaty at the end of World War I, and that was not the old order. It was the end of the old order that brought it about.
Notas: E assim temos. Depois do Kaiser ter aceite o armisticio e os 14 pontos de Wilson (e com esse pressuposto e não outro) e terem retirado para dentro das fronteiras, os "aliados" (essa mítica palavra que pressupõe logo virtuosos incólumes do mais leve mal) impuseram um bloqueio de fome à Alemanha e Austria [relatam-se centenas de milhares de mortos na população civil] obrigando primeiro à deposição das monarquias (Wilson era anti-monárquico) e depois à imposição de Versailles (6 meses de bloqueio) , criando países [a Austria perde 75% do território, o ministro dos Neg.Estr. comenta na altura: " A Áustria desistiu de viver"!], separando populações alemãs, impondo um cláusula de culpa única, sanções, e muitos mais disparates.
Os Neo-Conservadores conseguem, na sua imensa sabedoria própria do diabo, de eleger Wilson com o seu santo padroeiro (é que, repare-se, Wilson entrou na WWI para fazer "o mundo mais seguro para a democracia" e fazer "a guerra para acabar com as guerras") . Destruir a estabilidade do mundo parece ser o seu papel. E alimentam-se dos próprios males que provocam. Típico de todo o Estatismo.
Para saber todos os efeitos (existiram muitos, até o Vietname nasceu em Versailles, assim como a viragem da China para o comunismo, e claro... o Médio Oriente) ver/ouvir a conferência no Mises Institute:
Six Months That Changed the World (video) , John V. Denson
Por alguma razão a Primeira Guerra Mundial é muito pouco comentada, é sempre mais fácil citar a História como se esta tivesse começado em "Muniche".
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