sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2003

Sobran sobre “nomocratic” e “teleocratic” government

E como hoje (com ironia) somos todos Teleocratas.

"Today, generally speaking, liberals and conservatives are both teleocratic in their politics. They merely have different and conflicting ends for the state to pursue. The liberal wants the state to achieve “social equality” of some sort; the conservative is more apt to urge “national security.” Either way, the result is a large role for government, with high taxes to support it.

Since conservatives no longer question a large role for a central government in principle, they ought to recognize that the “bias” of the New York Times (and the liberal press in general) is not against teleocracy itself, but merely against the supposedly “conservative” form of teleocracy they themselves happen to favor. "

Texto completo, aqui.

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