"In this book, it will be demonstrated that fundamental alternatives to the present order exist; that democracy is just a mild form of communism; that a monarchical system is preferable to mass democracy but can be improved upon through the establishment of a "natural order;" and that political centralization as represented by the European Community is economic nonsense. It will be argued instead that de-centralization - the model provided by cantonal Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and the "free cities" such as the Free Royal Polish City of Danzig (Gdansk) before 1795 and "free cities" all across Europe during the Middle Ages - promotes liberty and prosperity; that the class of politicians and government bureaucrats are parasites living off the work of productive individuals; that under genuine capitalism and free markets only productive and thus deserving people, not crooks, will become and remain rich; and that under such circumstances the sentiment of envy, as the biblical commandments clearly recognize, is evil and counterproductive and must be suppressed. " Introdução à edição Polaca de Democracy The God that Failed, Hoppe
PS: Nâo, não é para propôr qualquer forma de governo político autoritário, apenas reconhecer a inevitabilidade do centralismo-social-democracia do voto político universal (o que podemos comparar com a democracia civil da propriedade privada através das empresas/associações/condomínios). O maior desafio dos liberais é combater essa inevitabilidade.
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