domingo, 17 de abril de 2005


"(...) The Euroskeptic Czech president Vaclav Klaus, who defends that old-fashioned concept of the nation-state and who believes a "supranational" organization such as the EU bodes ill for the actual people who live there, attacked the Eurocrat royalty in a recent interview.

"...For these people who breakfast in Venice, lunch in Dublin and dine in Stockholm," Klaus says, employing a good old Czech reference, "there is Kundera's 'unbearable lightness of being.' For them it [the EU] is a paradise which they must defend" - that is, a paradise of limitles free travel, bloated salaries and endless perks, of the comfortable anonymity of not being a truly public figure, thus no threat of an accountability moment, but of truly spending the public's money.

Indeed, says Klaus, "...unfortunately the EU and the debate about the Constitution are in the hands of people, eurofederalists, who have bound their own future to the EU [emphasis added]. These people need supranational powers like the EU. [T]hat is the ideal forum for people like them - where they see personal prospects for work, salary, profession and reputation."

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