quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2003

Contra os Left-Libertarians da Reason

The Confused Morals of Left-Libertarians, by Steven Greenhut

"...Bill and Bob can get married for all I care. They can even marry their cats and Golden Retrievers if they choose, but I will not celebrate these decisions as legitimate choices. If the state declared my marriage null and void, I would still be married because my wife and I are not dependent on the state to recognize our vows. Likewise, if the state of Massachusetts declares gay marriage a right, it's still not a real marriage in my eyes, no matter how many left-libertarians celebrate that decision.

I made this point in a column last year: "The more people misbehave and are incapable of taking care of themselves and their families, the more government has a pretext to enter every part of the individual's life."

After it ran (in the Orange County Register and on LewRockwell), I was inundated by emails from left-libertarians insisting that I couldn't possibly be a libertarian in arguing against libertine behavior. Really? I guess libertarians are free to do anything they want as long as that anything doesn't include trying to live up to traditional morals.

Note the word trying. Just because individuals fail to live up to moral codes doesn't mean the codes don't matter. A colleague of mine the other day sung the praises of hypocrisy. At least hypocrites acknowledge they are violating certain rules and norms, whereas modern left-libertarian thinkers claim there are no such rules."

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