quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2003

Isto é que é antecipação!

Hussein could try to dredge up some of this history during his trial, in an argument that the West was somehow complicit in his actions.
"During trial, Hussein may try to implicate Western leaders. U.S. and other nations that supported him in past could be vulnerable.

Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, a practiced litigator, said such a tactic by Hussein would be "a real reach for relevancy" and doubted that it would seriously embarrass the U.S. government.

"Was it inconsistent to have worked with Stalin during World War II and then to oppose him during the Cold War? So what? That's statecraft," he said."

E pronto, nos meses seguintes vamos ouvir esta patetice, vezes sem conta: o problema é quando um tirano não percebe que deixou de ser útil.

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