quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2003

Blair signals retreat on Iraq weapons

No FT.

"Tony Blair yesterday signalled a retreat from his previous confident assertions that weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq - the principal rationale used by the British government for the conflict.

The prime minister instead suggested the search would uncover evidence of how the Iraqi regime had disposed of the chemical or biological weapons it had previously possessed.

Mr Blair was careful to avoid asserting that Saddam Hussein had had weapons of mass destruction when the conflict started in the spring. He referred instead to much earlier uses of such weapons by the former Iraqi leader, stating: "That he had them is beyond doubt . . . he used them against Iran, he used them against his own people."

Ok. Já sei. É um tirano. E só isso vale a pena. E todos os tiranos vão ser varridos à face da terra e os povos iluminados pela Pax Ex-Tirani. E tudo isso começou no Iraque.

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