sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2006

Actividades: Audio-Video Conferências I

Foram vistos :

* "Mozart Was a Red", a mini-peça (cómica) de teatro de Murray N. Rothbard que retrata a sua experiência no círculo de Ayn Rand

* "The Founding of The Federal Reserve (video) ", a história pormenorizada da criação da Reserva Federal em 1913, os seus actores e motivos, com uma introdução sobre o modus operandi de formação de qualquer Cartel.

* Edward Stringham fala sobre a resposta dada com "Anarchy, State and Public Choice" a

"Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy" and "Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy", published in 1972 and 1974 (Tullock, 1972 and 1974), contained contributions by economists who became extremely influential in the following decades: James Buchanan, Winston Bush, Thomas Hogarty, J. Patrick Gunning, Laurence Moss, Warren Samuels, William Craig Stubblebine and Gordon Tullock.

These authors decided to ask the big questions rather than debating small changes in public policy. In his autobiography, James Buchanan describes the project: Winston Bush galvanized our interests in the theory of anarchy, an organizational alternative that had never seriously been analyzed. What were the descriptive features of Hobbesian anarchy? Could something like an anarchistic equilibrium be defined?..."

Nota: Próxima sessão, data provável a 13 Dezembro, 20h00.

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