segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2004


Ainda agora é Presidente e já pede a ocupação do seu (o seu?) país.

" O novo Presidente da Somália, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, pediu hoje à União Africana (UA) o envio de uma força de 15 a 20 mil homens, a fim de desarmar os chefes de guerra que transformaram o país no palco de uma guerra civil desde 1991.

(...) Várias dezenas de milhares de pessoas estão armadas naquele país pobre do Corno de África, onde os chefes de guerra dividem o território desde 1991, depois da queda do ditador Mohamed Siad Barre. Desde então foram formados dois governos, que nunca conseguiram estender o seu controlo para lá da capital, Mogadíscio."

Mas entretanto a Coca-Cola abre uma fábrica e tem a sua própria milícia que aparentemente teve a capacidade de derrotar um dos chefes porque paga melhor. Talvez a melhor via de pacificação.

Via BBC:

"...Warlords, I am told, are those who generate income not by providing services, but by extorting money through their militia, for example at roadblocks. In recent months there have been signs that some of the warlords are losing influence. In May, one of them tried to seize control of El Ma'an, provoking more than a week of fighting during which thousands of people were displaced.

The warlord lost. Since then, many of his militia fighters have joined the businessman, and are now helping to protect the port.

They are better paid, receiving $2.50 a day, and are given better food as part of the deal. The new Coca-Cola factory imported most of its equipment, including the bottling line, through the port.

For the opening ceremony, the company increased the number of armed guards to more than 100.

Continuing lawlessness has deterred many would-be investors. But the man behind the idea, AbdiRisak Isse, a 37-year-old Somali whose family lives in Sweden, says the real security comes not from the guards with guns, but from the goodwill generated by the company."

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