quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2004

Liberventionists: The Nationalist Internationalists

"Liberventionism is saturated by contradictions: using government to bring about liberty, bombing cities to bring about peace, occupying countries for the sake of liberation, initiating force to combat aggression, and so forth.

Sometimes the liberventionists concede that war is a zero-sum game, that to save Americans "we" must kill innocent foreigners – or to save foreigners "we" must sacrifice Americans to the cause – and conclude that real libertarians, who oppose war, are either overly "nationalistic" or "isolationist," and thus deaf to the screams of the oppressed people abroad; or, as the case may be, overly "internationalist": we care more about foreigners than Americans.

The liberventionists who want to have it both ways – who think that sacrificing American lives will bring freedom to people abroad, and yet killing innocents abroad will save American lives – are a bizarre group of nationalist internationalists.

They believe in and advocate the US nation-state’s ability to centrally plan the world toward liberty. Indeed, these people believe the US government is capable of accomplishments that border on the Messianic. They worship the state, as if it were some sort of omnipotent deity that can, through the omnisciently chosen applications of miraculous violence, bring about what’s best for everyone.

In truth, war is almost always a negative-sum game. It is a tragedy for everyone involved, minus the political elite of the winning state.

On the other hand, so think many of the liberventionists, we real libertarians also couldn’t care less about the oppression of foreigners. If we oppose Gulf War II, it’s because we prefer Saddam Hussein to a life of liberty for the Iraqi people. If we oppose the Cold War, we are turning our backs to the victims of Communism. If we question World War II, we are Nazi sympathizers who care nothing about those that Hitler oppressed and mass-murdered. To sum up, we are insufficiently internationalist.

In opposing the US warfare state, we allegedly disgrace our country. In waiting for a foreign enemy to attack before retaliating, we would let Americans die before tolerating the necessary collateral damage of innocent foreign men, women and children. To sum up, we don’t seem to care as much about American lives as foreign lives, and, in fact, we don’t feel adequately connected to the US state as some sort of extension of ourselves. In other words, we are insufficiently nationalist." Anthony Gregory

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