sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2004


O internacionalismo Politicamente Correcto continua a fazer das suas.

Um dos lados é mau e o apoio de moscovo é sinal do perigo do imperialismo russo, e outro é bom e espontâneo e se existem (não confirmo nem desminto), ajudas subterrâneas do ocidente é por uma boa causa. A vida é tão simples assim...

Como diz John Laughland no
Spectator, agora no meio de uma polémica, porque apontando para os problemas do "intervencionismo humanitário" e fazendo por descobrir o que se passa no meio de nevoeiro ideológico de internacionalismo, é acusado de apoiar os ditadores deste mundo (desde que o neoconservatismo de esquerda e direita tomou a liderança passei a relembrar os anos quentes a seguir ao 25 de Abril, com as acusações de "fascista" para quem tinha dois carros, ou um, ou "whatever". Agora são todos os desconfiados do internacionalismo), e isto porque também foi critico da coligação Clinton-Nato-esquerda-direita pelo bombardeamento da Servia e a entrega do Kosovo aos Freedom Fighters islamico -terroristas-Bin-Laden-connected do KLA:

"The leaden skies of Ukraine are distant and seem unreal, even though I had been under them only a few days previously. I begin to wonder whether Jean Baudrillard was right that the Gulf war never took place: when the West decides to sponsor the overthrow of a government by means of a ‘popular revolution’, representation really does become reality. For days, the TV is flooded with images of ‘the people’, while the even larger demonstrations on the other side are hardly shown. The adjective ‘Orwellian’ seems lame when I hear a reporter explain that the pro-Yanukovich demonstrators have a hopelessly statist Soviet mentality because, in the absence of any instructions as to what to do, they wander aimlessly around the streets, while the pro-Yushchenko demonstrations are extremely professional and well organised, and this shows their genuine spontaneity. "

Adicionalmente responde ao seu atacante
David Aaronovitch qu eescreveu "PR man to Europe's nastiest regimes":

"...But I wonder if Aaronovitch's Googling led him to use as a source an article entitled "Can a lobbyist for dictators work as a journalist?", a recently posted attack on me which is almost identical to his own. The home page, Ukrainian Archive, which has links to all the western-backed "pro-democracy" groups in Ukraine itself, also carries virulently antisemitic articles about the Jewish proclivity for rape, and about how the gas chambers at Auschwitz could not have existed. If I am being simultaneously attacked by a former communist who now supports George Bush's wars, and by raving Jew-baiting Ukrainian nationalists, I must be doing something right. John Laughland"

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