quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2005

A Guerra de 1812 dos EUA contra o Império Britânico

Na altura, James Madison era Presidente, e os Ingleses lutavam contra Napoleão (que por acaso tinha derrotado a Prússia, razão pela qual o célebre General Prusso Carl Phillip Gottfried von Clausewitz - entre 1812 e 1814 - foi oferecer os seus serviços ao Czar).

Via Wikipedia:

"(...) The War of 1812 was a conflict fought on land in North America and at sea around the world between the United States and United Kingdom from 1812 to 1815. Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia is also sometimes referred to as the "War of 1812."

The war formally began on June 18, 1812 with the U.S. declaration of war. The United States launched invasions of the Canadian provinces in 1812 and 1813, but the borders were successfully defended by British and North American Indian forces. The United States gained the upper hand in the North American Indian part of war with victories at the Battle of the Thames in October 1813 and the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in March 1814, but by this time Napoleon had been defeated in Europe, and the British were finally able to divert more resources to North America. British invasions of American territory resulted in the burning of Washington, D.C. and the capture of part of the District of Maine, but the British counteroffensive was turned back at Lake Champlain, Baltimore, and New Orleans. The Treaty of Ghent (ratified in 1815) restored the status quo ante bellum between the combatants.

Although the War of 1812 ended as a
stalemate and is often only dimly remembered, it had many effects on the futures of those involved."

PS Humm, será um post revisionista? James Madison colocando os Britânicos em dificuldade quando enfrentavam os...Franceses e Napoleão?

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