... os conservadores algo utópicos, algo jacobinos e que reagem mal à mais leve e remota ameaça (o medo é mau conselheiro, excessos moralistas também ... excessos realistas cínicos reconheço que também).
"...most libertarians warned against the war, saying that it could be disastrous for Americans and Iraqis alike but were for the most part roundly ignored. Ted Galen Carpenter was one libertarian making such arguments, and as the vice president for defense and foreign policy studies he is about as mainstream as libertarians come. In February 2003, Carpenter wrote the following:
It is highly improbable that overthrowing Saddam's regime and setting up a democratic successor in Iraq would lead to a surge of democracy in the region. Indeed, it probably wouldn't even lead to a stable, united, democratic Iraq over the long-term. A U.S. occupation force would be needed for many years just to keep a client regime in power.
The harsh reality is that the Middle East has no history of democratic rule, democratic institutions, or serious democratic movements. To expect stable democracies to emerge from such an environment is naive.
Moreover, even in the unlikely event that a wave of democratic revolutions swept the Middle East following the U.S. conquest of Iraq, the United States would probably not like the results. If free elections were held today in such countries as Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, they would produce virulently anti-American governments.
Four years on, after the electoral victories of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, Hamas by the Palestinians, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, Carpenter seems absolutely prescient. Yet libertarian ideas on foreign policy are still unjustly marginalized as unrealistic while Bill Kristol is still a regular on Fox News and the Sunday morning talk shows."
PS: Mas o argumento ainda usado é agora outro (ex. Rui Ramos, etc): Saddam constituiria ainda um perigo se tivesse no poder. Portanto, ainda se trata da escolha entre dois males. Perigo para quem, para o mundo and beyond?
Já agora ler o discurso de Ron Paul: Don’t Do It, Mr. President.
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