segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2005

Time preference and Elton john

"...the article tells of how Elton once went on an $80 million shopping spree in a 20 month period, even spending $200,000 on flowers "because I like them." In one year he spent $18 million on house purchases around the world, and owns more than 2500 paintings, some of which are worth a million dollars or more.

When asked why he spends the way he does, Elton replied: "I have no one to leave the money to. I'm a single man. I like spending money" (p. 74). He's gay and childless, and so he naturally has a high rate of time preference" via LRCBlog.

Nota: Parece que a afirmação de Hans-Herman Hoppe, de que em geral, os homosexuais (como outros grupos - pessoas idosas, etc) , tendem a poupar (relativamente a outros) menos (ou seja, têm uma alta preferência temporal) se encontra demonstrada.

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