segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2007

"Liberty or Equality", Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

In this treatise, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn argues that it reduced to one simple and very dangerous idea: equality of political power as embodied in democracy. He marshals the strongest possible case that democratic equality is the very basis not of liberty, as is commonly believed, but the total state.

He uses national socialism as his prime example. He further argues the old notion of government by law is upheld in old monarchies, restrained by a noble elite. Aristocracy, not democracy, gave us liberty. On his side in this argument, he includes the whole of the old liberal tradition, and offers overwhelming evidence for his case. In our times, war and totalitarianism do indeed sail under the democratic flag. This book, capable of overturning most of what you thought you knew about political systems, was first published in 1952. 403 pages.

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Aviso: A quantidade de material "politicamente incorrecto" é elevado.

Querem ver?


The Genesis of a Totalitarian Movement—/


THE last two chapters of this book deal with two aspects
of the genesis of National Socialism: (i)
the problem
of the Lutheran fatherhood of National Socialism itself
and (2) the origins of the Nazi party, the N.S.D.A.P. These
two chapters are, therefore, only occasionally and incidentally
a " prehistory" of Nazi thought.(...)

Almost all of these ideologies—socialism, ethnic nationalism,
fascism, National Socialism of the Czech as well as of the
German pattern—
claimed to be democratic. None of them
claimed to be liberal. All were hostile in varying degrees
towards Catholicism. All have common ancestors.
ceaselessly influenced each other, and their prehistory is
nothing but an endless and ceaseless repetition of " incestual "
alliances and inbreeding.

All these philosophies are anti-Catholic, anti-monarchical,
anti-traditional; they look solely to the future, want to build
a new society, and are " dawnist."
They are opposed to the
freedom of the person and are collectivistic; they divide
human beings into specific categories, and they all favour the
rise of an omnipotent state. They are materialistic, and claim
to be " progressive." All of them have their affinities with
the French Revolution. The whole bitter struggle among
them is desperate and pitiless on account of its fratricidal
nature. They do not see in each other strange opponents,
but competing heresies with a common origin."

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