terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2006

Guerra, democracia e socialismo

"It is a matter of complete indifference for deciding our question, for example, who holds power in a socialized community, whether a hereditary emperor, a Caesar, or the democratically organized whole of the people. It does not belong to the essence of a socialized community that it is under the leadership of soviets of workers and soldiers. Other authorities also can implement socialism, perhaps the church or the military state. It is to be noted, furthermore, that an election of the general directorship of the socialist economy in Germany, carried out on the basis of full universality and equality of the right to vote, would have produced a far stronger majority for Hindenburg and Ludendorff in the first years of the war than Lenin and Trotsky could ever have achieved in Russia." War Socialism and True Socialism - Mises

PS: Quando no espaço de dias, a guerra foi declarada ( a Primeira), existiram manifestações massivas de apoio popular em todas as capitais, em ambos (todos) os lados - não que no tempo, pacifistas que não podiam ser acusados de sovietismo, não tivessem antecipado tal "suicidio da civilização cristã" nas palavras do Papa Bento XV (que o actual Papa quis expressamente "homenagear"). No fim, ninguém sabia já porque combatia (razão pela qual Lenine e Trostsky tomaram o poder na sequência da queda do Czar). Suponho que nos tempos presentes, o fenómeno poderá vir a ser facilmente replicado. Todas as guerras são democráticas e até parece que "Blessed be the warmonger".

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