domingo, 4 de abril de 2004

Robert Nisbet sobre família e propriedade

"Property (in conservative philopsophy) is more than external appendage to man, mere inanimate servant of human need. It is, above anything else in civilization, the very condition of man´s humanness, his superiority over the entire natural world.

Much of the conservative veneration for the familiy lies in its historic affinity between family and property. It is usually the rule for any family to seek as much advantage for its children and other members as is possible...There is no issue over wich conservative has fought liberal and socialist as strenuously as on threats through law to loosen property from family grasp, by taxation or by any other form of redistribution.

Almost everything about the medieval law of family and marriage, including the stringent emphasis upon chastity of the female, the terrible penalty that could be exerted against adultery by the wife, springs from a nearly absolute reverence for property, for legitimate heritability of property"

Citado por HH Hoppe em "On Conservatism and Libertarianism"

Nota: diga-se que estamos perante um conservadorismo já quase esquecido, hoje muitos que se reclamam de (neo) conservadores estao totalmente convertidos ao estatismo, a valores abstractos e colectivos, à ideologia da social democracia, e até o anunciam como sistema a ser imposto a bem do universalismo e igualitarismo de direitos positivos. E Nisbet continua:

"no principle more basic to the conservative philosophy than that of the inherent and absolute incompatibility between liberty and equality. Such incompatibility springs from the contrary objectives of the two values.

The abiding purpose of liberty is in the protection on individual and family property - a word used in its widest sense to include the immaterial as well as the material life.

The inherent objective of equality, on the other hand, is that of some kind of redistribution or levelling of the inequally shared material and immaterial values of a community. Moreover, individual strenghts of mind and body being different from birth, all efforts to compensate through law and government for this diversity of strenghs can only cripple the liberties of those involved; especially the liberties of the strongest and the most brilliant ...

for most conservatives, socialism appeared as an almost necessary emergent of democracy and totalitarianism an almost equally necessary product of social democracy"

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