terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2004

Anarco-Capitalismo ou Ordem Natural

A pedido de várias famílias ficam aqui uma fonte de referências.

Anarcho-Capitalism: An Annotated Bibliography, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"Here is the essential reading on anarcho-capitalism, which might also be called the natural order, private-property anarchy, ordered anarchy, radical capitalism, the private-law society, or society without a state. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. Indeed, only English-language works currently in print or forthcoming are included. Please note that suggestions are welcome, especially for Section IV: Congenial Writings."

Sobre a experiência americana ver, por exemplo:

"The American Experiment in Anarcho-Capitalism: The Not so Wild Wild West"
Anderson, Terry, and P.J. Hill, no Journal Of Libertarian Studies

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