quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2004

Monarchy and War, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn's

Via "Hans-Hermann Hoppe: Defying Leviathan", no samizdata.net:

Incluido em Myth of National Defense, The: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production

"Democracy reappeared in a more civilised form in Athens, but when Socrates, in a truly political trial, praised monarchy, he was condemned to death. Remember also that Madriaga said rightly that our civilization rests on the death of two persons: a philosopher and the Son of God, both victims of the popular will."

"It [The Revolution] wanted to bring liberty and equality under a common denominator, something Goethe considered only charlatans would promise. Equality, indeed, could merely be established in some form of slavery – just as a hedge can only be kept even by constantly trimming it."

"It was the destruction of the Habsburg Empire that made Germany the geopolitical winner of World War I. Bordering after 1919 on only one great power—France—it was now the direct or indirect neighbour in the East of partly artificial, partly militarily indefensible states. (...). And it came. What Hitler actually inherited from these nincompoops who had dictated the Paris Suburban treaties was not only an internal situation characterized by the economic uprooting of important social layers and the imposition of an unworkable form of government, but also a uniquely profitable geopolitical position due to the division of Austria-Hungary. If Hitler had had any sense of humor, he would have erected a colossal monument to Woodrow Wilson."

[Nota: O ministro austríaco disse na altura que (depois de perder 75% do território) a "Aústria desistiu de viver". E assim, a concorrência entre a influência da Prússia e do Império-Austro-Húngaro na Alemanha e Europa Central perdeu-se. Curiosamente os franceses recearam sempre o dominio dos Habsburg e o Sacro Império Romano, quando os Prussos derrotaram a Áustria (antes da sua vitória sobre a França em 1871), os franceses sob Napoleão III celebraram - só mais tarde se aperceberam do problema que colocava o Federalismo de Bismarck (um percursor dos ideais federalistas - 40 estados/principados/cidades constituíam a Alemanha - e do presente Welfare State), com o predomínio da Prússia. O direito à "auto-determinação dos Povos" de Wilson (que os franceses aproveitaram em pleno) acabou definitivamente com o factor de equilíbrio... e com a própria monarquia, quer na Áustria quer na Alemanha...quer na Rússia...quer em Espanha...Itália...]

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