domingo, 4 de abril de 2004

O ataque à familia

E que hoje perdura - a intromissao do Estado nas decisoes de herança. A perda da propriedade da familia (e até da importancia da familia) que leva ao desbaratar do patrimonio acumulado, uma das fontes de poupanca e preservacao, de casas, terrenos e bens. O desaparecimento da figura do "patriarca" (cujo papel, hoje, tanto poderia ser do pai como da mae como de ambos), que zela pelo equilibrio da comunidade familiar e a transmissao futura dos bens que servem a sua identidade e o seu bem estar.

"As for the Code Napoleon, I am not scholar enough to know how much Buonaparte had to do with it, but from what I have seen of the system, or of what remains of it, I do not think it reflects much credit on the authors. It is shockingly authoritarian and misogynistic; and since according to its provisions all the children have equal rights in their parents' property it has a disruptive influence on both family life and the cohesion of an estate. I have often seen the miserable results of this among our friends in the remote provincial corner of France where we live and where many people still depend entirely on the land. The children soon learn—it is a matter of common knowledge—that apart from the small proportion that can be left according to the wishes of the leaver the whole of the rest is theirs as a certain, wholly dependable legacy, however badly they may behave. "

Patrick O'Brian The Art of Fiction CXLII Interviewed by Stephen Becker

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