sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2003

Ron Paul contra os cheques educação


Desregulamentação da Educação Privada: Programas, novas escolas, etc.

Municipalização do Ensino Público (ou em Áreas Metropolitanas): Parte do Orçamento de Ministério de Educação passará para os Municípios. Estes poderão decidir entre manter uma parte das Escolas Públicas dirigias para as camadas mais desfavorecidas e privatizar as restantes, ou ainda, implementar um programa limitado e local (e portanto descentralizado) de cheques-educação. Desta forma, cada Município ou Associação de Municípios chegará às soluções mais consensuais para os seus residentes e contribuintes locais, como contraponto a soluções desenhadas centralmente e aplicadas uniformemente.

Crédito de Imposto para todas as despesas em estabelecimentos de educação

"Vouchers are a taxpayer-funded program benefiting a particular group of children selected by politicians and bureaucrats. Therefore, the Federal voucher program supported by many conservatives is little more than another tax-funded welfare program establishing an entitlement to a private school education. Vouchers thus raise the same constitutional and moral questions as other transfer programs. Yet, voucher supporters wonder why middle-class taxpayers, who have to sacrifice to provide a private school education to their children, balk at being forced to pay more taxes to provide a free private education for another child.

However, accepting the premise that people have a ``right'' to a good of a certain quality logically means accepting government's role in establishing standards to ensure that providers are giving their consumers a ``quality'' product. Thus, in order to ensure that vouchers are being used to fulfilling students' ``right'' to a ``quality'' education (as defined by the government) private schools will be forced to comply with the same rules and regulations as the public schools.

Several private, Christian schools in my district have expressed concerns that vouchers would lead to increased government control of private education. This concern is not just limited to Christian conservatives; the head of the Jewish Anti-Defamation league opposed the recent DC voucher bill because he feared it would lead to `` unacceptable effort by the government to monitor and control religious activities.''

However, those schools that accept vouchers will have a competitive advantage over those that do not because they will be perceived as being superior since they have the ``government's seal of approval.'' Thus, those private schools that retain their independence will likely be forced out of business by schools that go on the government dole.

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