sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2003

Re: Cartaz no Merde in France

Foi a Guerra e o militarismo exarcebado que quem em primeira ordem criaram o comunismo (pela queda do Czar) e o fascismo (pela queda das monarquias da europa central e itália) ao destruirem a velha civilização onde tinha nascido o Liberalismo Clássico (nomeadamente a Escola Austriaca no Império Austro-Húngaro).

Porquê? "The international law ... is the old-fashioned libertarian law as had voluntarily emerged in previous centuries and has nothing to do with the modem statist accretion of "collective security." Collective security forces a maximum escalation of every local war into a worldwide war – the precise reversal of the libertarian objective of reducing the scope of any war as much as possible. "

Quanto à escravatura, até dà vontade de rir. A Europa acabou com ela pacíficamente e a Guerra Civil Americana deu-se para preservar (anti-constitucionalmente) o Federalismo pela força negando o Direito de Secessão - o que acabará mais tarde ou mais cedo por acontecer na Europa.

Que fazer?

"The laws of neutrality are designed to keep any war that breaks out confined to the warring States themselves, without aggression against the States or particularly the peoples of the other nations.

Hence the importance of such ancient and now forgotten American principles as "freedom of the seas" or severe limitations upon the rights of warring States to blockade neutral trade with the enemy country. In short, the libertarian tries to induce neutral States to remain neutral in any inter-State conflict and to induce the warring States to observe fully the rights of neutral citizens. "

E porquê?

"Suppose that Jones, in the course of his "just war" against the ravages of Smith, should kill a few innocent people, and suppose that he should declaim, in defense of this murder, that he was simply acting on the slogan, "Give me liberty or give me death." The absurdity of this "defense" should be evident at once, for the issue is not whether Jones was willing to risk death personally in his defensive struggle against Smith; the issue is whether he was willing to kill other people in pursuit of his legitimate end. For Jones was in truth acting on the completely indefensible slogan: "Give me liberty or give them death" surely a far less noble battle cry."

Ler em:

"War, Peace, and the State", by Murray N. Rothbard
This article, which first appeared in The Standard for April 1963, is collected in Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays.

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