quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2005

Grandes Presidentes

...da América...são os que ninguém conhece por exemplo, William Howard Taft, que disse em 1915:

"[The] mainspring of such a view is that the executive is charged with responsibility for the welfare of all the people in a general way, that he is to play the part of a universal Providence and set all things right, and that anything that in his judgment will help the people he ought to do, unless he is expressly forbidden not to do it. The wide field of action that this would give to the executive, one can hardly limit. "

Via Reason: Geena Davis Is Not My President - The bipartisan romance with the imperial presidency leads to true love with ABC's bellicose Commander In Chief.

Curioso artigo que fala da série " Commander in Chief "

"In episode one, just after ascending to office, President Allen meets with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to decide what to do about a woman in Nigeria who's about to be executed under Shariah law for adultery. The answer: Send in the Marines. After a threat to its ambassador, the Nigerian government relents and we see the prisoner running to the rescue helicopter flanked by American soldiers, as President Allen delivers the line "I will always defend the Constitution." (A commentator at National Review approves, giving Mac's decision a "You go, girl.") "

E comenta:

"(...)The Cold War had transformed the Framers' energetic but constitutionally constrained chief executive into a sort of elected emperor with virtually unchecked authority in the international arena, and increasingly the domestic sphere as well.

(...)As the National Post's Colby Cosh put it two weeks after the Katrina debacle, "the 49 percent of Americans who have been complaining for five years about George W. Bush being a dictator are now vexed to the point of utter incoherence because for the last fortnight he has failed to do a sufficiently convincing impression of a dictator."

PS: é muito injusto pegar nos exemplos da América para provar um ponto, como a tendência para a concentração no poder executivo..e de forma democrática e consensual. Mas como costumo dizer, somos todos americanos...o seu destino para o bem ou mal, será também o nosso.

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