quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2003

O ataque a Ann Coulter

Típico! Ataque feito por alguns NeoCons, para quem as grandes referências são Presidentes Democratas, servindo o seu apoio a Reagan para justificar a migração do Partido Democrata para o Cold War Conservatism, e mostrando uma das origens, como David Horowitz, vindos da esquerda e extrema-esquerda (nomeadamente Trotskista). Ann Coulter já tinha sido afastada da National Review (tal como anteriormente, Joseph Sobran e Patrick J. Buchanan, representantes do Conservadorismo tradicional pela "Republic not an Empire"). No caso de Coulter, as razões foram outras, mas representa a prova de que a NR e os NeoCons em gerais aguentam mal qualquer posição verdadeiramente Conservadora.

Um dos pontos parece ser a referência ao Senador Joe McCarthy. Um anti-comunista que pôs bem claro a perniciosa influência do comunismo nas elites e politica americana na altura. Roosevelt tratava Estaline como "Uncle Joe" e a estas décadas de distancia podemos comprovar que quem ganhou a WWII foi mesmo Estaline, que passou a dominar metade da Europa Cristã e metade do resto do mundo - esse foi o momento chave mais do que o alegado mas quase inexistente expansionismo territorial soviético durante a Guerra Fria.

Disse Patrick J. Buchanan no Townhall.com:

"Why do they keep digging up the corpse of Joe McCarthy for a ritual flogging? The Wisconsin senator died in 1957. He never killed anyone. He never sent anyone to prison.

Harry Truman dropped atomic bombs on two defenseless cities of a prostrate nation and sent 2 million Russian prisoners back to Stalin to be murdered in Operation Keelhaul. Yet Truman remains a hero to those who despise McCarthy with an undying hatred.

"Why? Even if what is alleged is true -- that McCarthy bullied witnesses and accused men of disloyalty who only made mistakes -- that still does not explain why the Left cannot let go of him.

The answer: As no other man, Tailgunner Joe stripped the old establishment of its reputation, credibility and moral authority in the eyes of the people. McCarthy convinced Middle America that FDR and Truman had been duped by "Uncle Joe," had tolerated treason, and had blundered and lost in five years all the fruits of the victory won by the blood and sacrifice of the Greatest Generation in World War II.

The establishment has never recovered from that beating."

Quanto aos factos, vamos a eles:

"Indeed, the espionage and treason, proven again by the Venona transcripts -- the intercepted coded messages from Soviet agents to Moscow -- were far more extensive than even McCarthy imagined. In the 1940s, the U.S. Government was honeycombed with traitors and spies. Even today, not all the names have been revealed. Call the roll:

--Alger Hiss and Lawrence Duggan, two of the highest ranking diplomats at State, were communist traitors and spies. Hiss stood behind FDR at Yalta when Eastern Europe was signed away to Stalin and helped shape the United Nations for Harry Truman.

-- Harry Dexter White, father of the International Monetary Fund and the "Morgenthau Plan" to smash all German industry after the war -- a plan embraced, then disowned, by FDR -- was a Soviet agent. Truman knew it by 1946 and covered it up.

-- Lauchlin Currie was a Soviet spy on the White House staff.

-- William Remington was the Soviet spy at Commerce.

-- Judith Coplon headed up a spy ring at Justice with access to the FBI secrets and files she transferred to Soviet agents.

-- The Rosenbergs were communist traitors who gave their Russian handlers secrets of the atom bomb. The brother of Robert Oppenheimer, father of the A-bomb, was a communist, as was his wife, who was a lifelong friend of Steve Nelson, a key figure in the Communist Party underground apparatus. "

Como nota final: um dos primeiros actos politicos do "conservative" e fundador do movimento "libertarian" (Cato Institute e Libertarian Party), Murray N. Rothbard, foi defender o Senador contra o próprio "establishment" republicano.

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