sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2003

As últimas sobre David Frum

Sobre o canadiano neocon pró-aborto que chama "unpatriotic" a americanos (desde sempre) conservadores pela "republic, not an empire":

"My sources at National Review – oh yes, we have our spies! – tell me that David Frum, chief enforcer of neocon orthodoxy, is on his way out as an editor of the magazine. Commissar Frum's overwrought excoriation of antiwar conservatives and libertarians – including Robert Novak, Pat Buchanan, Chronicles editor Tom Fleming, and Lew Rockwell, as well as myself – did not go over well with many on the Right, even among those who supported the war. If he, in turn, is being purged – due, no doubt, to some intra-neocon dispute – one can only note, with a certain amount of unconcealed satisfaction, that he who lives by the purge shall perish by the purge."

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