quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2003

E mais sobre Roosevelt , Yalta e os Soviéticos

Como disse alguém, a Guerra Fria começou em 1919, com o poder soviéticos instituído e a velha Europa monárquica destruída, substituída pela luta entre o comunismo e o fascismo (as grandes conquistas das repúblicas).

Roosevelt que com o New Deal, ultrapassa a constituição e eleva o poder do Estado Federal ao ponto de impor a social-democracia, é um dos grandes actores da confirmação do poder comunista no pós guerra. Um dos seus grandes conselheiros foi Harry Hopkins, que ainda hoje é referenciado nos melhores termos, para além do próprio Roosevelt, claro.

"Al Hunt, a liberal columnist for The Wall Street Journal, recently committed the outrage of the century in his final column for 1999. In that column, Hunt listed his choices of the 20th century's best American government officials and included Harry L. Hopkins, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s closest adviser, as one of the best presidential aides of the century."

Mas o problema é que sabendo que terá sido:

"...Hopkins persuaded the ailing Roosevelt to go to Yalta, where the fate of Poland and other countries under Soviet occupation was sealed. Hopkins said the Russians had been "reasonable and farseeing." Robert Sherwood, a Roosevelt speechwriter, called Yalta "a monstrous fraud." Hopkins had been instrumental in our supplying, with no conditions, the arms that enabled Stalin to defeat the Germans. He helped seal their control of Eastern Europe, and he is suspected of having authorized shipments of uranium that helped them develop their A-bomb. "

Hoje sabe-se que Harry Hopkins era um espião soviético, existindo registos de que:

In his 1990 book "KGB: The Inside Story," Oleg Gordievsky, a high-level KGB defector, reported damning information about Hopkins he heard from Iskhak Akhmerov, an undercover spymaster who controlled the KGB’s "illegal" agents in the U.S. during World War II. He said that Akhmerov had described Harry Hopkins as "the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States." He said that other KGB officers in the directorate in charge of illegals and the U.S. experts in the KGB’s code section, "all agreed that Hopkins had been an agent of major significance."

Ler em Harry Hopkins: Traitor, Not Hero e fazer um busca no google com "Harry Hopkins Soviet agent KGB".

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