sábado, 1 de novembro de 2003

Cristãos Fundamentalistas

Finalmente alguém (José Cutileiro no Expresso) fala sobre o estranho caso das razões do apoio incodicional a Israel em geral e ao Sionismo em particular por uma parte da chamada Direita Religiosa (Christian Right) fundamentalista - os "premillennial dispensationalism".

Nesta perspectiva, os outros ramos de Cristãos são o "amillennialism and postmillennialism": Luteranos, parte dos Calvinistas e Católicos.

"Amillennialists think that the millennium is spiritual and allegorical, and it will have no literal political fulfillment in history. This is the view of Dutch Calvinists, Lutherans, and most Roman Catholics. Postmillennialism proclaims a period of peace and justice during which most of the world's population will be Christian."

Em geral, estes pensam que as profecias foram já cumpridas: "While there has been much debate as to the timing of the fulfillment of this prophecy, the dominant view in church history has been that this prophecy was fulfilled in 70 A.D., when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem, crucified thousands of Jews who tried to escape, and took the city. Two Roman soldiers then burned the temple, according to the post-war court historian for the victorious emperor Vespasian, the Jew Josephus."

Quanto aos fundamentalistas dispensionalists:

"The vast majority of dispensationalists are pre-tribulationists. They say that Christians will be pulled into Heaven and out of history immediately before a seven-year period of church-free history. In the second half of this seven-year period, the slaughter of the Jews will begin."
Ever since 1991, fundamentalist TV preachers have been frantically seeking a replacement for the future invading nation "from the north" that will surround Jerusalem and kill two-thirds of the Israelis.

"If Jews do not return to the State of Israel, to be concentrated inside its borders, then the prophecy of a final Great Tribulation, where Jerusalem is surrounded by its enemies, cannot be fulfilled. Three and a half years before this Great Tribulation, all Christians get cosmic R&R: their final escape from history and all of its crushing responsibilities, which dispensationalists have prayed for and dreamed about since 1830.

This is why they support the Zionist movement. The Zionists have made the dispensationalists' interpretation of the Great Tribulation prophecy appear tenable. Zionists have created a nation-state for Jews in Palestine."

Assim, teológicamente, a razão do seu apoio estridente (ver Gary Bauer ou o conhecido Pat Robertson) passa por reconhecer em Israel a condição histórica necessária que levará à morte de 2/3 dos Judeu numa espécie de armagaddeon, mas que levará à subida (literal) aos céus dos crentes (Rapture).

E assim temos mais uma peça do mosaico que faz com que um grupo intelectual que teve a sua origem na esquerda e emigrou para a direita, a que se junta a filosofia de Leo Strauss pela "nobel lie" (as elites dirigentes, estão a ver, devem mentir às massas ignorantes no seu próprio interesse - Iraque e WMD?), e a Direita Cristã fundamentalista, se encontra em perfeita sintonia.

Uma estranha combinação que no fim, creio, em nada ajudará nem aos próprios israelitas nem a ninguém. Apenas levará a uma escalada de conflitos que no fim, talvez venha mesmo a cumprir o Armagaddeon esperado pelos fundamentalistas.

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