domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2004

Relatório de Lord Hutton II

Bernard Ingham, Margaret Tatcher´s onetime press secretary, said: "The BBC has been horribly badly dealt with by Hutton, wich is the most onde-sided report you could ever imagine".


Agora a título de curiosidade e vindo do sempre imprevisto, ardiloso, por vezes curioso, mundo das teorias da conspiração:

Daily Telegraph, Letter to the Editor London, 2/4/04

SIR - Dr Peter Fletcher [letter, Jan 30] makes a good point about Dr David Kelly's death. I was surprised that an adult should have bled to death from a laceration of the wrist.

The popular view that a slit wrist is likely to prove fatal is far wide of the mark: the natural and protective response of a divided artery is to constrict in spasm and prevent life-threatening haemorrhage.

Ways around this might include lying in a hot bath (warmth encourages the arteries to dilate), but certainly do not include lying in a cold field (cold induces spasm and constriction of the arteries, as incidentally does fear).

If the bleeding continues, so the blood pressure reduces, and this, in conjunction with the arterial constriction Further reduces blood loss, usually to a point where clotting occurs and bleeding ceases.

I am left with the impression that the medical aspects of the inquiry have left questions unanswered.

Prof Simon Kay
Consultant in Plastic Surgery

Via LRC Blog

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