quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2004


1. Ataques Contra Prefeito Muçulmano em França

"A polícia francesa prendeu ontem de manhã nove pessoas ligadas aos meios de extrema-direita, em rusgas simultâneas na Bretanha e em Paris, no âmbito do inquérito sobre atentados contra o prefeito muçulmano Aïssa Dermouche. "

Comentário: Fala-se de anti-semitismo na Europa esquecendo que incidentes ocasionais têm tido origem na população de origem árabe. Falou-se de anti-semitismo na campanha presidencial de Le Pen quando este criticava a política de imigração aberta, em especial dos árabes. Existem ataques a árabes e não se fala de anti-arabismo.

2. ONU Pede 35 Milhões de Dólares para o Haiti
"As Nações Unidas pediram ontem ao mundo um auxílio imediato de pelo menos 35 milhões de dólares de ajuda humanitária para o Haiti, um país cuja reconstrução levará dez anos."

Comentário: Não chega pagar impostos para incentivar e perpetuar a pobreza no meu país, agora populam causas internacionais decididas pela "comunidade internacional" (uma ova) para reconstruir nações, etc e tal.

3. Grave Acusação ao Presidente Kagamé

"O relatório final do juiz antiterrorista francês Jean-Louis Bruguière sobre o desastre de avião que há quase 10 anos arrastou o Ruanda para um genocídio aponta o dedo à Frente Patriótica, do general Paul Kagamé, noticiou ontem "Le Monde"."

Comentário: por sinal, o general Paul Kagamé tem o apoio da "comunidade internacional".

Rothbard falou sobre o assunto em Junho de 1994:

The mass butchery in Rwanda provides several important and instructive lessons to the American people, lessons which – surprise, surprise! – are emphatically not being pointed out by our beloved media.

In the first place, we see starkly revealed the idiocy of the New World Order and the attempt of our global social democrats to impose "democracy," multiculturalism and multiethnicity on the entire world.
The crucial point is that, in both Rwanda and Burundi, Hutus and Tutsis have coexisted for centuries; the Tutsi are about 15 percent of the total population, the Hutu about 85 percent. And yet consistently, over the centuries, the Tutsi have totally dominated, and even enserfed, the Hutu. How are we to explain this consistent pattern of domination by a small minority? Could it be – dare I say it – that along with being taller, slimmer, more graceful and noble-looking, the Tutsi are far more i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t than the Hutu? And yet what else explains this overriding fact? Note: as a libertarian, I neither advocate nor condone the centuries-old pattern of domination by Tutsi over Hutu. I would love to see them coexist peacefully, participating in a division of labor joined together by a free market. But there is not a chance of a whoop in Hell for such a coexistence to take place. Or do you think that the UN or the U.S. or NATO or some other super-coercive force, should march into Rwanda and Burundi with millions of highly armed troops to impose a "free market" on these people, or even, God forbid, social democracy? Again, lotsa luck.

Speaking of armies and intelligence, it is a remarkable fact that the current race war was touched off by the assassination of the two Hutu presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, who were flying in a plane over the Rwanda capital – and that this assassination was perpetrated by a Tutsi rocket fired from the ground, blowing up the plane. Now here we have a fascinating high-tech innovation in assassination theory and practice.

Usually, heads of state are killed by rifle or revolver; or, sometimes by a bomb placed in a plane. But to assassinate by rocket! Wow! Looking at the recent exploits of our trillion-dollar Pentagon: dropping dud bombs on a Serbian truck, and shooting down our own helicopters over northern Iraq, maybe we should cut the military budget a lot more, and import some Tutsi engineers!"

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