terça-feira, 2 de março de 2004

Federalismo e Casamento Gay

"The President’s recent announcement that he supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage has intensified the gay marriage debate. It seems sad that we need government to define and regulate our most basic institutions.

Marriage is first and foremost a religious matter, not a government matter. Government is not moral and cannot make us moral. Law should reflect moral standards, of course, but morality comes from religion, from philosophy, from societal standards, from families, and from responsible individuals. We make a mistake when we look to government for moral leadership.

Marriage and divorce laws have always been crafted by states. In an ideal world, state governments enforce marriage contracts and settle divorces, but otherwise stay out of marriage. The federal government, granted only limited, enumerated powers in the Constitution, has no role whatsoever."

Eliminate Federal Court Jurisdiction

Nota: Claro que no meu Estado, votaria contra os casamentos Gay. A não ser que o meu Estado (Portugal) fosse um Estado Federal (o que defendo) e aí a questão seria com cada região.

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