segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2004

Outra vez Hitler

Sobre as insistentes referências a Hitler, ler num texto que merece ser revisitado de Rothbard a propósito do Golfo I em MR. BUSH'S WAR, October 1990:

“Wouldn't it be great, by the way, if everyone observed a moratorium on Hitler for at least a year? No more "another Hitler" every time someone starts a war someplace, no more bellyaching about Hitler in general. There is more hysteria now, 45 years after his death, than when he was still alive. Isn't this the only case in history where the hysteria against the loser in a war continues, not only unabated but intensified, 45 years after the war is over? And consider too, the guy was only in power for 12 years! In a sense, Hitler will achieve his "l,000-year Reich" after all, because it looks as if we'll be hearing about him for another 900 years or so."

Pois agora já sabem, Espanha votou democraticamente (um sistema que alguns acham valer a pena impor na ponta da baioneta) para penalizar um certa política externa e de defesa baseado em ideais e não em realismo militar e diplomático ... e a sombra de Hitler volta outra vez a pairar (ele próprio produto das unintended consequences de um conflito mundial onde todos quiseram ser aliados de todos, e por coisa nenhuma).

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