sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2004


Charity Event May Have Terrorist Link

"Pentagon adviser Richard N. Perle, a strong advocate of war against Iraq, spoke last weekend at a charity event that U.S. officials say may have had ties to an alleged terrorist group seeking to topple the Iranian government and backed by Saddam Hussein."

E em Perle Must Resign Or be fired…:

We're supposed to believe Perle has been completely deaf to a big debate within the administration over the status of the MEK, which is really a fight over what course U.S. policy will take in the future. The neoconservatives in the Pentagon, around Douglas Feith and the Office of Special Plans, have engaged in an ongoing campaign in support of these "reformed" Marxist terrorists as a club to bash Iran. Leading neocons such as Daniel Pipes and Arnold Beichman tout the Rajavi cult as a worthy ally, the latter hailing it as "a legitimate force for democracy and regime change in the Middle East."

Beichman, himself an ex-Communist (or ex-fellow traveler), is naturally sympathetic to his Iranian brethren, but what MEK's defenders leave out is that the group has a history of attacking American targets. As the U.S. State Department reports:

"Bombs were the Mojahedin's weapon of choice, which they frequently employed against American targets. On the occasion of President Nixon's visit to Iran in 1972, for example, the MKO exploded time bombs at more than a dozen sites throughout Tehran, including the Iran-American Society, the U.S. information office, and the offices of Pepsi Cola and General Motors. From 1972-75 … the Mojahedin continued their campaign of bombings, damaging such targets as the offices of Pan-American Airlines, Shell Oil Company, and British organizations."

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