sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2004

No Economist sobre "An End to Evil", de Frum e Perle

"No tiptoeing around Muslim sensibilities for Mr Perle and Mr Frum: America, they aver, is at war with a radical strain of Islam that is intent on destroying western civilisation.

This enemy does not consist just of a small group of conspirators, since the small group enjoys popular support and is backed by sundry rogue states, including nominal American allies such as Saudi Arabia. Though conceding that the Middle East may be complicated, the authors do not want the complications to blur the big picture.

“Religious extremists and secular militants; Sunnis and Shiites; communists and fascists—in the Middle East, these categories blend into one another. All gush from the same enormous reservoir of combustible rage.

And all have the same target: the United States (....) The president finds it convenient to pose as the leader of a nation engaged since September 11th in a total war analogous to the war against Hitler. The neo-cons really believe it."

De facto, o fundamentalismo cega tudo e todos (incluindo a leitura parcial da história, que parece ter começado apenas em Muniche), e conduz sempre ao uso da violência para atingir um qualquer propósito de bem.

Agora falta saber quem (entre o bem de Perle e o mal islâmico) produziu mais vítimas civis e ocupa (desde o séc. 20 até hoje) mais o espaço de quem. A resposta é...?

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